6 Ways to Avoid Mosquitoes

They’re annoying, they transmit diseases and in South Florida during summertime, they seem almost inescapable. Mosquitoes are a pain, but there are ways to prevent these pesky pests from feasting on you – without having to spray your skin with chemical repellents.

Try these 6 tips to keep mosquitoes from attacking:

1. Wear bright, lightly colored clothing. Not only do dark colors absorb more warmth (which attracts mosquitoes), the actual color of your t-shirt could be luring in the bugs.

2. Choose loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts and pants whenever possible.  I know  – the very thought of wearing long sleeves in this unbearably hot and humid weather seems absurd. But if you can get away with wearing a loose, long-sleeved shirt or pants – especially at night – doing so may protect you from pesky mosquito bites.

3. Skip perfumes and products with flowery fragrances. Smelling like roses is wonderful, right? Mosquitoes think so, too. Passing up strong flowery or fruity perfumes may prevent insects from pestering you.

4. Be most cautious at dusk and dawn. Ever been outside in the early evening? Of course you have – then you already know that this is when mosquito activity is at its peak (and early morning as well). If possible, stay inside or take extra steps to protect yourself during these times.

5. Use natural essential oils as repellent. If you’re not keen on spraying yourself down with a chemical repellent, choose natural essential oils instead, like lavender, cedar, citronella, tea tree, mint, lemongrass or rosemary. Mix a few drops of oil with water and a touch of witch hazel and you’ve got yourself a natural homemade bug spray!

6. Get rid of any standing water on your property. One way to avoid mosquitoes is to take away their breeding places, by dumping out standing water in flower pots, kiddie pools, buckets, trash cans, recycling bins and any other containers.